Shopping for your new arrival?

the village midwife

By Kate Olver, NHS Midwife and Taunton’s Village Midwife

Hello! My name is Kate and I’m a NHS midwife living and working in Taunton. 

There are so many options out there; the next-to-me cot, moses baskets, slings, prams, outfits, nappies, pumps and everything else you’re no doubt being advertised! These things are important, how you care for your little one, transport them and feed them matters. But have you considered how much your birth matters? 

Birth comes in every shape and size imaginable; it is as individual as the people who experience it. Every journey through the NHS is paved with thousands of choices; where to book in for midwifery care, whether to have screening or scans or blood tests, whether to be measured or monitored, where to give birth and with whom.  

The key message here is choice, every little thing that happens is your choice, and it is important that you know this so that you can make each choice count. Before buying a pram or a cot you would want to know if it’s fit for purpose, safe, comfortable, suitable for your needs and your life. You can do the same with your birth. 

village midwife KatesFirstBirth

With an Antenatal Course that is designed and run by a midwife this is exactly what you can expect. I’m passionate about bringing you awareness of the evidence to inform choices in your pregnancy, to make sure you feel in control of the decisions you make as you grow your baby. I work as a midwife in the NHS in Taunton so I see lots of families navigating the system every day. In my classes I give you the tools you need to feel secure in your choices, backed up by evidence and information.

My goal as Taunton’s Village Midwife is to create a community for growing families. I want to give you the time, space, and information to enter birth and parenthood with agency and confidence. I want to enhance the service I provide as an NHS midwife and give families all the information they need and want to make informed choices about their antenatal care and birth. 

We know that birth experience ripples out through the lives of mothers, fathers, parents, babies and wider families. Everyone is affected by birth in one way or another, and whatever happens it is life altering. So when we are considering the huge range of choices for early parenthood, consider investing in Antenatal Classes. Make the choice to gain power through knowledge about your body and your baby. Choose to buy something that will definitely last a lifetime.

Contact Kate

Instagram: @tauntonvillagemidwife

Telephone: 07837 339 569
Email: [email protected]

Come along to my FREE NoSleepClub events to find out more! 

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