Keep Active in Staplegrove with Age UK Somerset


Did you know, the guidelines for exercise for older adults is to do at least 150 minutes of moderate activity every week, and to try to be active every day? Why not mix up your usual routine and try a new fun and friendly exercise class?

Local charity, Age UK Somerset, is launching a new class in Staplegrove. Specially designed for people over 55, Flexercise is a gentle, seated exercise session which uses fun props and laughter to get you moving. This class is starting on Tuesday 10th October ’23.

In a recent survey, Flexercise participants from other areas report this class improves general fitness, improves mood, gives an opportunity to meet new people, chat and be sociable and is ‘very good value’.

Age UK Somerset invite you to join them at Staplegrove Village Hall, Taunton, TA2 6AL on Tuesdays from 12:30pm to 1:30pm to get fitter, feel better, meet new people and have some fun! The class costs £3 a session. You can call 01823 345624 for more information or to sign up.

If you can’t get out and about, why not try an online exercise class? You can join a fun and friendly class from the comfort of your own home. Check out the website for more details:

Flexercise Staplegrove (1)

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