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Finding Love In Later Life

senior love

The prospect of re-entering the dating scene in later life can seem daunting, which is perfectly understandable. It doesn’t matter whether it’s because you have been widowed, divorced, or have just remained single – things have most certainly changed and opportunities to meet your soulmate can seem few and far between.

But the good thing is that actually – your chances are probably better than your average mid-20 year old! Want to know why?

  • You know who you are and what you’re looking for
  • You are far more comfortable in your own skin
  • Previous relationships may also have shown you what you’d like and don’t like, so you don’t need to waste time!
  • You don’t have to introduce them to your parents or give them a list of do’s and don’t s before they meet the family – it’s about companionship and not about pretending to be something you’re not

One advantage for older daters – sad though it may be, is that the dating pool is growing. The divorce rate among adults ages 50 and older has roughly doubled since the 1990s!

Online Dating

So – how do you go about meeting someone? Well, online dating is certainly one of the best ways to make new friends and reach out beyond your own social circle. The number of senior people going online to look for love has more than doubled in the last 10 years. You might be surprised to know that 15 million people (of all ages) in the UK are registered for online dating, and with one in five relationships now beginning online.

The social algorithms will help to match you to someone that fits your preferences – even down to income level, eye colour and their love of black and white films! Plus, you can chat to them online or on the phone before you decide whether you’d like to meet, so there’s very little pressure.

There are many sites to choose from. Some are paid-for and some are free. Some take it as read that you are looking for a long-term partner, and some offer you the opportunity to enjoy being a singleton. It’s really up to you!

If you’re not very confident when it comes to technology then you may wish to ask for some assistance from a friend. They can advise you on what is safe and which sites are designed for people of your own age, or for a much younger lonely heart.

Here are a few examples:

Speed dating

Speed dating is sometimes the more frightening option – and sometimes the more appealing. If you’re a sociable person that likes to meet people face to face then why not give this a whirl? Head to google and tap in ‘Senior speed dating in Buckinghamshire’ or ‘Hertfordshire’. There are plenty of opportunities and, apart from anything, it’s guaranteed to be a good night out.

Blind dates and set-ups!

If your friends and family get wind of the fact that you’re ‘looking for love’, they’ll probably jump on the chance to help. Make sure you make the boundaries clear; if you want their help then embrace the opportunities they send your way. You never know. But if you don’t want their help – make it clear from the outset. There’s nothing more awkward than having to make a terrible dinner date last, just because you have a mutual friend!

Out and About

Finally – just get out there! Join the local conservation group or take an art or cooking class, try dancing lessons, walking or Tai Chi. Make the effort to find a club or activity that is of interest to you and the chances are that someone with that shared interest will be doing the same.

Good luck!

By Bracken Jeiler

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